Monday, 25 November 2013

Which makes e-Publishing different from the rest?

 Stable 100% royalties. Need we say more? 

 We treat your e-book publishing sincerely. Never will we rely on “meat grinding” application software. You will have to upload your manuscripts. But our eBook connections will carefully format your work. We don’t automate.

 e-Publishing  is comfortable. Our two-way publishing process is very simple. Just submit your manuscript and we deliver. No need to learn technical manuals.

We guarantee elegant designs. We house internationally capable artists, illustrators, and designers. Your e-books will surely standout.
Sound appealing? Not so fast. This new attempt to cash in on the electronic self-publishing gold rush is owned by Best journals.

You may identify the name of this infamous Internet spammer. If you don't, it's a so-called marketing service that has become infamous for its prolific spam emails and cold-call phone pitches offering writers cheap (for Bestjounals--for authors, the costs range from around $300 to over $10,000) spam-style PR such as mass email campaigns, press releases, online directory listings, and the like.

Testament to Best Journals relentless spamming and cold-calling can be found across the Internet in the form of complaints, scorn, and angry blog posts. (Many of the commenter’s note the poor grammar of the company's emails and the heavy accent and busted English of its phone solicitors--which would appear to be no mistake, since the company, which claims to be based in Iowa or Wisconsin, is owned by an Asian business called Yen Chen Support. So extensive did the harmful discussion become, in fact, that Best Journals felt obliged to spread some counter-propaganda, publish a press release refuting the condemnation, a blog doing the same, a "phishing email alert" attributing complaints to a phishing plan (and suggesting that "wronged" writers contact Best Journals), and an "email scam advice" allege, with no doubt unintended satire, that it is the wounded of negative statements by "a professional scammer."

Still interested in e-Publishing?

What about those attractive-sounding 100% royalties? This is a worthless claim, by the way--royalties are by definition the author's share of a book's income, so all royalties are 100%. The real question is, what can e-Publishing authors expect to earn? It's a major challenge to find out--the information appears only in e-Publishing 's Terms and Policies, which are accessible only on the Signup page--but hey, that's why I'm here, to dig this stuff up for you.

The Terms and Policies also include this important provision:
Publishers should agree to receive promotions and updates through e-mail, newsletters, and calls from
So if you decide to use e-Publishing, be prepared to be solicited to buy lots of other stuff.

The easy ease of use of free electronic self-publishing options means that no one has to pay to publish an eBooks. However, fee-based self-pub services have their place. For people who are time-crunched or non-web-savvy or just uninterested in DIY, they can provide a good solution, as long as they are reasonably priced.

Price isn't the only determinant, however, and cheap isn't always good. Choosing a reputable provider is even more important--even if, sometimes, it charges a bit more. It's vital to carefully research any company you're thinking of using (you can always contact Writer Beware to find out if there have been complaints). It's also a good idea--especially if you're not sure of the company's reputation and expertise--to give new self-pub services a year or so to settle in before jumping on board.